Finding the right kind of help can be a vital first step in making positive changes in your life, healing from trauma, or simply developing increased insight and coping skills.
Therapy can help you address depression, anxiety, severe stress, PTSD. Additionally, therapy can assist you in dealing with intimacy problems, relational concerns, anger issues, and poor-self esteem and how it impacts you as an individual, a couple, or a family.

Substance Abuse
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At Lucid Clinical Services we have expertise treating substance use disorders of all kinds, as well as other behavioral/process addictions (addictions related to behavior such as gambling, social media, sex, etc).
We take a person-centered, evidence-based approach to tailor treatment to our clients needs and preferences. Some of our treatment approaches include:
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Enhancement Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Relapse Prevention
We focus on uncovering triggers and developing strategies to overcome harmful behaviors, while creating new helpful coping skills and habits.
We can help clients understand how they got to where they are now, with the goal of creating an actionable plan to prevent relapse into old behaviors. Further, we can simultaneously address trauma, relationship issues, sleep disturbance, and other issues that have contributed to substance use.
Whether the goal is to completely stop a behavior or work towards a reduction or management strategy, we are here to support.


"It’s like everything is fine and then out of nowhere I am there. It is happening all over again. I am freaking out, my heart is exploding and I can’t come back down.”
PTSD is a stress response following a traumatic event. It's normal to have upsetting memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping after a traumatic event.
At first, it may be hard to do normal daily activities, like go to work, go to school, or spend time with people you care about. But most people start to feel better after a few weeks or months.
PTSD is considered a disorder of non-recovery. The symptoms that are normal during acute stress do not relent and you can relive a traumatic event over and over in many different ways.

Treatment Approach
We use CBT to help you re-evaluate thinking patterns and assumptions in order to identify unhelpful patterns (often termed “distortions”) in thoughts, such as overgeneralizing bad outcomes, negative thinking that diminishes positive thinking, and always expecting catastrophic outcomes, to more balanced and effective thinking patterns.

Grief and Loss
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Grief is, perhaps, one of the most commonly shared experiences between humans. If we are lucky enough to love, most of us will also be faced with experiencing grief at some point in our lives.
Following any significant loss, there can be a cascade of emotions and challenges that make it seem impossible to carry on. But some losses are more difficult to move on from.
​Therapy can help provide grounding in an otherwise unanchored time. We can collaborate with you to grieve in a way that also allows you to heal from your loss and find hope again.


Communicating and Relating to Others
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People are often surprised to find out how much skill and work actually goes in to successful communication and maintaining harmonious relationships.
This is true for romantic relationships as well as family, friends, colleagues, and the world in general.
Learning the skills to improve relationship patterns can be difficult and painful.
It can require acknowledging previous mistakes, letting go of firmly entrenched beliefs and arguments, learning to let go of people who don't value you, and increasing your comfort with vulnerability.


Clinical Supervision
Individuals and Groups
We offer board approved clinical supervision in the state of Maryland. We currently offer individual and group supervision. It is our belief that clinical supervision is “where the magic happens” and we are eager to help you grow your professional skills and insight to become a great therapist.


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Our therapists are eager to help your teen and your family. We offer specialized support for teens who are overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, grieving, and angry. Your teen will receive empathic understanding and significant support to develop insight and adaptive reactions to the challenges they are experiencing. We offer individual and group support.
We work with teens to
Build Self-esteem
Learn Self-kindness
Develop insight into beliefs and thoughts that contribute to distress
Develop adaptive thinking to allow for more balanced views of self and world
Learn and practice Behavior activation exercises that allow for self experimentation on helpful strategies to improve mood
Develop Interpersonal effectiveness
If you are wondering how we might help your adolescent’s mental health, request a no-cost consultation today to see if Lucid Clinical Services might be a good fit. Whether your teen has a focused diagnosis, or is simply struggling to adapt to life changes, we are here to help.
We offer evening and weekend hours, telehealth and in person, and individual and group options for care, to maximize convenience for you and your family


“I feel like I am just getting by. I can’t remember the last time I felt happy.”
One of the most common things we hear from people seeking therapy is, "I feel down, but don't know if I am depressed." Depression doesn't always announce itself with clear signs and indicators.
In addition to feeling 'down' depression can make someone feel inexplicably angry, ambivalent and disinterested in most things, and it can interfere with sleep, sex, work, and relationships.

Treatment Approach
Depression is often triggered and maintained by distorted ways of viewing the world that limit your ability to feel hope or happiness.
Through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) we can work with you to identify the thoughts that drive your mood and help you develop skills and insight that will help you develop healthier, more balanced ways of seeing the world.
This is a targeted treatment and can often take place in as few as 6-10 sessions for significant benefits.

Accelerated PTSD Treatment
Intensive treatment for PTSDand CPTSD -- Evidence-based treatment delivered over 3, 4 or 6 weeks
In our Accelerated PTSD treatment, patients complete a full course of evidence-based treatment for PTSD on a compressed schedule (multiple therapy appointments per week).
Following state-of-the-art research
protocols, our clients experience
improvement faster and are able to move forward through positive growth and healing
This intensive program is offered via telehealth, allowing us to accommodate evening and weekend hours.
We are nationally-recognized
trauma experts and trainers who
use a a compassionate, collaborative approach.
Clients are screened through a phone consult to determine fit for the protocol.


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At Lucid Clinical Services we are committed to serving those who have served by offering timely access to the highest quality clinical care. We have intimate knowledge of the stresses of military life, including deployed and garrison environments.
We offer evidence-based interventions for individuals experiencing challenges related to stress, trauma, mood, sleep, and relationships. Additionally, we have expertise in supporting military couples and families throughout the arc of the military career: from enlistment to transition back to civilian life.
We are proud to partner with Headstrong, a national nonprofit organization committed to ensuring evidence based therapy for military members, veterans, and families. If you are a service member seeking care but need assistance financing therapy, contact us today to find out how Headstrong can help


Improving Your Relationship with Yourself
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We can be our own worst enemies. We can talk to ourselves in ways we would never talk to another human, not even someone we hated.
We work with individuals who constantly doubt or criticize themselves, feel uncomfortable in their own skin, and believe they are not worthy of the accomplishments they have accomplished in life.
The adage is true: you can’t love anyone else until you learn to love yourself. And learning how to talk to yourself with a kinder, more balanced voice is a necessary starting point.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a very effective form of therapy for individuals who need help with things like anxiety, depression, worry, rumination and many other concerns.
Working with a skilled therapist, you will learn to disrupt harmful thinking patterns and build healthier, more balanced ways of seeing the world.


“It’s like my brain is constantly spinning with ways I might fail, or bad things that are about to happen.”
People with anxiety frequently have intense and constant worry and fear about everyday situations.
It can involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of panic or fear that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks) and bring on significant physical distress.
Click here to take a brief anxiety self-assessment. This does not substitute a diagnostic assessment.
Use the results to help inform your decision about seeking therapy. No personal information will be requested.

Treatment Approach
CBT is the most widely-used therapy for anxiety disorders. Research has shown it to be effective in the treatment of panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.
CBT addresses negative patterns and distortions in the way we look at the world and ourselves. As the name suggests, this involves two main components:
Cognitive therapy examines how negative thoughts, or cognitions, contribute to anxiety.
Behavior therapy examines how you behave and react in situations that trigger anxiety.
Through therapy, you can learn how to recognize catastrophic or distorted thinking. You can learn effective ways to challenge anxious thinking and develop behaviors which help to reduce anxiety.

Couples and Intimate Partner Therapy
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Even in the best of times, it can be challenging to navigate partnership and intimacy. When partners don’t communicate effectively, trust can break down, defenses can come up, and a cycle of resentment and reactivity can take over.
We work with couples and intimate partners to assist in establishing healthy communication, building and restoring intimacy and trust, and ensuring the individuals as well as the ecosystem of the relationship are able to grow.
​Our therapists are LGBTQ+ affirming and work with traditional and non-traditional intimate partnerships including ENM and poly partnerships.


Couples Navigating Trauma
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When an individual in a relationship has experienced significant trauma, it can create unique challenges to the couple as a "whole." Whether the trauma is recent or from childhood, it can generate reactions that activate defenses by both partners, resulting in reduced trust, hindered communication, and decreased intimacy.
Couples therapy can be an essential part of trauma-recovery, allowing space for each individual to learn to deescalate, communicate, restore trust, and reduce defensiveness.
Led by Dr. Stephanie Renno, we offer expertise in helping couples navigating trauma by focusing on:
Investigating patterns and beliefs that are getting in the way of the relationship
Power and control
Improving individual PTSD symptoms
Breaking the cycle of trauma triggers and relationship distress
Increasing emotional and physical and closeness


Executive Coaching
Convenient and Constructive
We work with professionals to unlock leadership potential, clarify professional goals, and resolve career-related stress and uncertainty. Executive coaching is frequently effective in 2-3 sessions. In addition, we offer monthly coaching agreements which will provide you with access to your consultant within 4 hours.


Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
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Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is a longer-term therapeutic approach that helps individuals develop insight about their underlying psychological processes such as motivation, defenses, and attachment-injuries.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is less solution focused than cognitive therapy, with a goal of improved insight, self-awareness, and enhanced ego-functioning.
